I am not a very good sister-in-law. I’m actually not a very good in-law or out-law or any kind of relative to anyone when it comes to this kind of stuff. I have very good intentions, but then I get distracted by one or a hundred other things.
It is especially apparent that I’m not a good sister-in-law when my sister-in-law is the kind that sends my daughter (and now my son) a special gift every Valentine’s Day…Valentine’s Day? Who gives gifts to people on Valentine’s Day? Brooke does. And on time, I might add. Hmmm, I still have Brooke’s birthday gift sitting on my desk…her birthday is in October.
So, Annie Grook, here you go. Everyone can now look at your beautiful socks on your cute neice and nephew. Maggie asks to wear her “stripey” socks all the time. Even with her party shoes. Calvin hasn’t told me what he thinks about them, but he does seem to leave them on slightly longer than any of his other socks. At least 30 seconds.
valentine's socks
Mo Higgins