Now that I have my nifty new camera, I am able to share with you the process of getting our nice family picture. In my experience, it has never been easy to get even two adults to look at the camera properly, so adding in two children is even more exciting. Especially when one of them is Calvin.
Here we have a couple shots that I took to get it set up before I joined the group…in this first one, Calvin is looking to see if he is able to kick Maggie in the head from his current location.
Here Calvin is using his patented ninja move to avoid sisterly affection.
And now we move into a set of pictures showing a variety of faces from Mags and Cal once the real picture taking started…I’m not sure what face this is from Maggie.
Or this one from Calvin.
Here Calvin has gotten distracted by his tie…which he strongly disliked. Maggie is getting wiggly.
Cal is not showing off his tie here, but attempting to rip it off. Maggie is being sweet.
And here, after realizing that the tie is not going to rip off, Calvin has decided to try chewing it off.
I think maybe this is an annoyed face because we made him stop chewing on his tie. Maggie has gotten tired of the picture taking and is hopping.
I have never seen Calvin make this face. I don’t know what it is.
enjoying the "happy easter" process

Mo Higgins